ConsultingGeneral31. July 2024


Market-driven curtailment of renewable energy plants has become routine due to grid congestion and negative electricity prices. This results in revenue losses despite compensation payments. Solutions like grid expansion and energy storage are essential. Precise compensation calculations are crucial to minimize financial losses.

In the context of the ongoing energy transition in Germany, the curtailment of renewable energy systems (RE systems) is increasingly coming into focus. Negative electricity prices on the stock exchange are increasingly forcing direct marketers to curtail RE plants for economic reasons. Plant operators are therefore dependent on compensation calculations to offset losses and avoid economic consequences.

Curtailments lead to a loss of revenue as less electricity is fed into the grid but despite compensation payments in accordance with the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the financial losses often remain considerable. Frequent curtailments could jeopardise the economic viability of renewable energy systems in the long term and deter investors, which could slow down the energy transition.

Multiversum offers solutions and optimization of the compensation calculation

Expanding the grid infrastructure and improving grid capacities are essential. Energy storage systems such as battery storage and power-to-gas plants can store surplus energy and feed it back into the grid when required. Flexible electricity tariffs and better forecasts for electricity generation and demand could optimise the balance between supply and demand and reduce curtailments. However, these measures need time to take effect. Until then, operators of renewable energy plants are dependent on precise compensation calculations.

Our company supports operators with detailed analyses and automated calculations that meet the latest standards. EnBW recently praised our service for the transparent recording of the effects of redispatch measures and market-related curtailments. Please have a look here for details of our reference.

Contact us to optimise your financial interests and contribute to the stability and efficiency of renewable energy.

Photo by Canva