Artificial Intelligence (AI) is considered one of the most important key technologies of the future, offering significant opportunities for science, business and society. But only a few companies have taken advantage of the potential so far – Why?
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly one of the key technologies of the future, but according to the current Bitkom study, only 15% of German companies are using AI applications. The reasons for the limited adoption of AI are diverse. In businesses, the implementation of AI is hindered by barriers such as a lack of resources, ethical uncertainties, system incompatibility, and user knowledge gaps. The solutions require a better understanding and clear strategies.

With the AI Design Sprint™, we address these challenges and support companies in taking their first steps towards digitization through AI. The agile methodology of the AI Design Sprint™ translates complex AI technologies into tangible solutions and helps companies develop and implement AI concepts in a short period of time.

Targeted integration of AI capabilities into your strategy

Whether it is business model development within your organization, the optimization of existing (digital) processes, or the implementation of a sustainability strategy – the AI Design Sprint™ offers the opportunity to leverage the variety of available AI technologies for your individual business strategies.

In our workshops with up to ten participants, your employees collaborate in interdisciplinary teams, learn about the potential of AI and develop individual concepts together. We support the feasibility of these concepts and address concerns through ethical and technical reviews. This eliminates doubts at an early stage, and the AI potential can be integrated effectively into your strategy.

Contact us to learn more about the AI Design Sprint™ – powered by Multiversum – and take the first step towards AI adoption in your company. The future of technology is not waiting, so let’s pave the way together.