This distinguishes us and gives you the certainty that we are the right companion for current topics and developments.


At Multiversum GmbH, we are the future-oriented consultancy partner at your side. We navigate you safely through times of change using our expertise in the topics relating to the four planets of our multiverse that revolve around change.

Our approach combines multidimensional perspectives with proven methods for innovative and measurable solutions, which we actively implement with you as a team with full energy, passion and high social competence.

Our talent is curiosity and openness. We are not limited to certain industries, areas or topics, but can align ourselves specifically to your task with our professional and personal diversity.

This approach distinguishes us, drives us and gives our clients the certainty that we are the right companion for their current challenges.

Our talent makes us industry-independent and neutral. This allows us to focus on our clients’ issues without bias. Promised.


Our talents is our flexibility, which allows us to take on any given topic or challenge we are faced with.

Placeholder image

Supply of Energy via sustainable sources REDISPATCH 2.0

The Starting Line

  • The regulations applicable under feed-in management were transferred to the Redispatch 2.0 process in 2022.
  • Yet, a reduction in the number of redispatch measures is not foreseeable.
  • Curtailments in the operation of your renewable energy plants therefore continue to cause compensable revenue losses.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • Changing regulatory frameworks make it complicated to assert claims quickly and in full height.
  • Large amounts of data as well as different formats lead to challenges in recording, processing and documentation.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • Your data is analyzed, processed and prepared for the network operator.
  • Existing Redispatch 2.0 processes are optimized through best practice experience from proven and automated processes.
  • We provide support in fulfilling the requirements of the “StromPBG” (Electricity Price Cap Act).
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Shortened process cycle times reduce cash flow variability.
  • Compensation claims are maximized through proven processes & expert knowledge.
  • Extensive benchmarking opportunities are provided through experience (e.g. >30% market share in offshore wind farms).

The additional value of efficiencyPROCESS DIGITALIZATION

The Starting Line

  • Digital transformation often only deals with the major guiding themes without concrete options for action.
  • Digitized and optimized processes can make a very concrete and practical contribution to digitization.
  • Primarily, processes with frequent manual activities, repetitive effort, high resource commitment and systemic break points are suitable.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • Processes that are bad from the beginning will not improve by digitalization.
  • Process digitization is insufficiently focused on increasing productivity, accelerating processes and reducing costs.
  • There is no shortage of ideas for improvement but rather a lack of practical approaches to the potential for digitization.
  • The common response is the lengthy introduction of complex software, even though very efficient on-board tools (e.g., Microsoft PowerPlatform) exist.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • Digital maturity of your entire process map (or selected processes) gets analyzed.
  • Technical process analyses and target optimizations are carried out next.
  • Together, a process app solution is designed and implemented along your existing processes.
  • Accompanying change and communication measures ensure sustainability.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Existing (especially manual) processes that are financially or operationally critical are centralized and (partially) automated and made transparent and controllable.
  • Benefit from a fast, iterative implementation as well as low lifecycle costs of the digital solution

The Way to SustainabilitySUSTAINABILITY

The Starting Line

  • Sustainability, as a social mega-trend, influences all areas of corporate action.
  • Alongside meeting legal requirements, companies must also respond to the expectations of their customers, employees and investors.
  • Neglecting the topic of sustainability thus becomes a risk that companies will no longer be able to afford in the future.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • „Traditional” corporate objectives must be aligned with the requirements of sustainable development.
  • Framework conditions are continuously changing due to new laws and regulations (e.g. Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act, EU taxonomy).
  • There is no uniform standard for sustainability reporting.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • Quick assessments determine the current state.
  • Sustainability strategies are developed in teams, e.g. through a materiality assessment.
  • Sustainability dashboards enable efficient monitoring.
  • Support in meeting reporting requirements and identify opportunities for expanded reporting.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Clarity with regard to mandatory and optional requirements.
  • Tailored sustainability strategy for your company.
  • Material topics have been identified.
  • Digital reporting creates transparency.
  • Differentiation from the competition through enhanced reporting.

The Management, Control and Administration of RequirementsREQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT

The Starting Line

  • For a project to be successful, it is best to have the requirements set as clear and comprehensive as possible.
  • Supposedly completed specifications change in complex projects far into the project process.
  • Defined, formal processes protect from constant changes on the way to success.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • New findings and insights can only be implemented into the project in a slow pace and with great difficulty.
  • Requirements that are too abstract or too complicated can slow down the completion of the project.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • Requirements are formulated based on the needs of stakeholders and users.
  • We estimate and prioritize the product backlog and create and deliver a clear documentation.
  • We define take-over criteria and carry out acceptance tests.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Requirements are clearly formulated and summarised in a structured catalogue.
  • Clean and professional functional descriptions are the basis for efficient work.
  • Resilient communication structures form the cornerstone of every project.

Agile working with OKROKR-METHOD

The Starting Line

  • Holistic alignment of a company based on its vision and mission is critical for success.
  • Stakeholders expect consistent implementation of the strategy in all areas.
  • Employees in particular have the need to recognize their added value for the company and its purpose.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • Many companies have difficulties to convey and operationalize their vision.
  • It is difficult to measure and present how successfully a vision is being pursued.
  • There is a lack of transparency in the implementation of the corporate strategy and a lack of opportunities for employees to contribute to shaping it.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • Flexible framework to operationalize the corporate vision is developed.
  • Interactive cycles measure and steer the implementation of the company and its goals.
  • Short- and medium goals are more transparent for clients and employees to witness.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Actual degree of implementation of strategic and tactical goals can be measured objectively.
  • Encouragement of employee commitment is ensured by a high degree of transparency.
  • All resources can be aligned and focused holistically on a common goal.

The cost-effective management of financial ITIT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT

The Starting Line

  • Companies and departments lack transparency about rising costs in their IT landscape.
  • Fundamentals are lacking in IT for sourcing or optimisation decisions.
  • Administrative activities and manual reporting cost IT an inordinate amount of time.
  • There is a lack of insight into the cost-benefit ratio of IT.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • Business departments are placing new expectations onto IT.
  • Increasing demands on IT to demonstrate its value contribution to the company.
  • IT services should be delivered faster, better and more cost-effectively.
  • Lack of transparency as to where costs arise and what result is to be achieved.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • We identify and analyse IT requirements cooperatively with all relevant stakeholders and the IT department.
  • We evaluate proven and innovative approaches to develop and plan appropriate measures.
  • New processes are implemented with market-leading, modern software products that meet the needs of the users.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Our consulting teams have comprehensive know-how in IT service management thanks to many years of project experience.
  • Our planning of software implementations and migration projects is based on empirical values from previous successful projects.
  • Partnerships with selected product manufacturers ensure high-quality software solutions with well-known quality features.

Targeted management of change in an organizationTRANSFORMATIONS MANAGEMENT

The Starting Line

  • Management sees change as an opportunity and wants to leverage the possibilities offered by digital models.
  • Complex and changing requirements are making projects cumbersome and unpredictably expensive.
  • High demand for transparent exchange across departmental boundaries delays projects.
  • Projects run smoothly for a long time, but later reveal significant deviations from effort and budget planning.
The Challenges

The Challenge

  • Existing prejudices against change processes have a negative impact on efficiency.
  • Excessive expectations exist regarding the quality of quick successes.
  • Cumbersome communication and decisions impede projects.
  • Technological silos prevent fast and independent value creation.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • Rethinking digital value creation to create innovations and optimization opportunities.
  • Organizational developments and change processes are supported.
  • Individually tailored, iterative and incremental process models that help bring visions to reality.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Experienced teams composed of agilists (including Scrum, SAFe, Kanban) and project managers deliver best practices.
  • Agile organizational culture is exemplified.
  • We offer you an external view of internal processes and integrate modern, sustainable structures as well as professional change management.

The use of future technologyAI DESIGN SPRINT™

The Starting Line

  • Many companies are only dealing with the first steps of digitization.
  • Departments are being digitized step by step and new systems are being introduced.
  • Often, the possibilities are not yet optimally used or data is still evaluated manually.
  • Up to now, AI technologies have hardly or very little been used.
  • Manual, repetitive activities exist in established processes.
  • According to a bitkom study, two-thirds of German companies consider artificial intelligence (AI) to be the most important technology of the future.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • Employees in all departments still have strong concerns about AI technologies.
  • Companies lack resources (budget, time, specialist staff) to build up experience.
  • Uncertainty prevails due to legal hurdles and system breaks prevent process optimization.
  • Missing information about AI applications and their implementation prevents companies from starting the transformation.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • We offer a range of available AI technologies with explanatory cards (AI Cards – a 33A certified product).
  • All employees have the opportunity to evaluate AI technologies and make them applicable to their own corporate strategy.
  • Strategic and operational workshops with efficient structure help to create AI concepts.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Organization, processes, products and services of your company are analyzed specifically.
  • Entry into AI technologies is made possible.
  • In 5 days, an AI concept with your company at the center is developed by your own employees.
  • Prioritized solutions of AI are subsequently usable in processes and products.

Leadership in modern timesAGILE LEADERSHIP

The Starting Line

  • Inflexible structures have a negative impact on the success of a company.
  • Changes in the market occur rapidly and increasingly unpredictably.
  • Opportunities cannot be seized due to long decision-making processes.
The Challenges

The Challenges

  • Organizational structures and corporate culture must become proactive in order to hold their position in changing markets.
  • Rapidly changing conditions should be proactively translated into entrepreneurial actions and enable the organization to grow in the long term.
Our Solution

Our Solution

  • Agile management approaches are implemented holistically using modern methods.
  • A framework that is optimally tailored to you is developed and implemented with suitable agile methods.
  • Employees are further educated through agility assessments and training.
Your Benefits

Your Benefits

  • Project staff members with many years of experience in the implementation of agile projects.
  • All employees are certified in agile methods.
  • Wide-ranging competences in the field of agile leadership exist in the various teams.